Strengthen Public Health! Health for All! Not Only For the Rich!
The Covid 19 pandemic has created a global health crisis. The number of infected has crossed 8.8 million; the number of dead is nearly 4.6 lakhs, as on 22nd June 2020. More than 1.8 lakhs new cases are being reported daily since the last few days.
A careful examination reveals a significant contrast between countries with a robust public health system and those where private health care dominates; countries where health is a basic human entitlement, as in socialist countries and countries where it is like any other commodities, to be sold and purchased, as under capitalism.
China, the first country where the virus was detected, had a strong public health system covering all its citizens. Despite lack of knowledge about the virus, it responded with alacrity to contain its spread, protecting people and their health as its priorities. This was the approach of some other countries like Vietnam, Cuba, and Laos. Cuba, target of the most inhuman sanctions by the US, had only a little over 2000 cases and 83 deaths; Vietnam 334 and Laos just 19; both reported no deaths due to Covid 19. All these are socialist countries.
Even in our country, the approach of the LDF ruled Kerala government is in sharp contrast to the Modi led BJP government at the centre and the other governments. It has won international acclaim in containing the disease and controlling the death.
On the other hand, USA, the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world, totally failed to protect its citizens. It tops the world with over 21 lakh cases and 1.18 lakh deaths. Advanced capitalist countries like UK, France, Spain, Italy etc were all badly hit by the virus. These are countries where private sector insurance led health care system dominates. Public health system has been crippled
In India confirmed cases, as of now, are around 4.25 lakhs; over 13000 people died. Despite having the benefit of China’s experience in dealing with the virus, despite knowing about the gradual global spread in early January,they failed to take prompt measures to safeguard lives. They took time weighing options – protecting corporate profits or peoples’ lives – and prioritised profits.
It is the same path that the Modi led BJP government is aggressively pursuing now. It has slashed allocation for health by 44% in its last budget. Lakhs of posts of doctors, nurses, lab technicians etc are vacant. PHCs lack minimum facilities and staff. They are being privatised. Cost of essential and life saving medicines is raised to benefit big pharmaceutical companies, domestic and foreign.Health care system is being oriented towards insurance driven schemes as the Ayushman Bharat to benefit private hospitals and insurance companies.
It is the doctors, nurses, ASHAs, sanitation workers, 108 ambulance employees, anganwadi employees and others employed in the much derided public health system who were in the forefront in saving lives during the pandemic. They are risking their lives and the lives of their family members to save others. But the governments did not provide them with the necessary protective equipment. Many of them became infected; several died. The Rs 50 lakh insurance declared by the government remained mostly on paper. There was no financial assistance for treatment. Their repeated demands for additional allowance for the huge Covid related work went totally unheeded. Even the salaries of large numbers of these frontline workers were not paid for 3-4 months or more.
On the other hand, the private health care system, which has over 80% of the total beds in our country, has shirked its responsibility.Being averse to take risk, they are not treating even the other patients.
Covid 19 has sharply brought this contrast between the two systems – one that is driven by greed for profit and the other by welfare of the people; the capitalist and socialist systems.
Health is not a luxury to be enjoyed by a few. It is the basic right of every citizen. It cannot be left to profit greedy private corporates. It is time for all of us to come together to fight for a strong public health system.
The fight will continue till we achieve this. If the government does not respond, let us prepare to: Defy and Resist! Lal Salam Comrades!
Published by Centre of Indian Trade Unions